How to Catch a Cheating Girlfriend

. Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Have you been wondering if your girlfriend is cheating on you? There is a reason why you may be getting those feelings, but how could you be sure? Well, it would definitely give you peace of mind if you found out the truth if your girlfriend cheating on you.

There are several ways to catch your cheating girlfriend in action without really having to do much more than play close attention to her behavior and the changes in behavior patterns which is the reason you're having doubts about her in the first place.

Basically, look at all the changes that she makes that are out of the ordinary for her. If all of a sudden there is a drop in the time she has for you, she becames too busy to see you when nothing has changed; she has the same job or classes. That means she should have the same amount of time for you as she did before.

Then there are the times when she actually is with you but you might be sitting in a restaurant and she keeps looking at her phone as she is expecting a text or a phone call. Next thing you know; is she is having to excuse herself to go to the bathroom, obviously to communicate with her cheating partner?

If she starts to make a lot of excuses that she is very busy at work and school and has to hang out and go out with her friends and has little time for you, and even when she is with you she spends her time on the phone, chances are your girlfriend is cheating on you.

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