General Feelings and Behaviors

. Saturday, August 30, 2008
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There is a saying that you should always trust your instincts. If you feel or think that you are being cheated on there is a pretty good chance that you are. Whenever you start to develop those kind of feelings its because your significant other is sending those messages through their subconscious minds.

Another dead giveaway with all cheaters is they start to look at the mirror a lot more and ask questions about their appearance, for example: "Can you tell I'm losing weight?" They will start acting like teenagers obsessed with the way they look.

It does not matter how they used to dress before, there will be a major change in wardrobe. They will start to wear things that fit the style of the new person that they are seeing. It does not matter if it's dressing up or possibly dressing down from a suit to a pair of new-style slacks and shirt.

At the end of the day what you are looking for is changes that all cheaters make with their subconscious minds, and those changes, even the best cheaters go through, and they can't hide them.


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