How to Catch your Spouse Cheating on You

. Friday, October 24, 2008
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There are several ways to find out if your spouse is cheating on you. All you have to do is pay attention to all the clues she is leaving behind. The most important of all is the simple changes she makes that are out of her normal behavior.

If you want to know how to catch your spouse cheating on you look at all the differences in clothing, make up, car, phone behavior and body language. Lets look at the make up issue closely; if she comes home with freshly done make up on her face it should make you wonder why would she put fresh make up on to come home and take it off so she can go to sleep. Is it possible that she was with her lover and the make up was removed while they were engaging in their activities?

Let's discuss your cheating spouse's clothing, has she started buying new sexier lingerie and clothes. And remember just because she did not wear them before she left the house it does not mean that she is not going to wear them for her encounter. She could easily put lingerie in her purse or a dress in her car prior to leaving and change at a later time.

You can also pay closer attention to the mileage on the car if work is ten miles away and there are an extra fifty miles on the car; it should tell you something. Or check if her phone behavior is changing where she is being very guarded with her phone and her text is always clear especially when she just finished texting. Look at all the changes that are out of the norm and you will have a pretty good idea of what really is going on.


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