CHEATERS 101 (Part 1)

. Friday, July 25, 2008
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There are several ways to find out if your significant other is cheating on you.

Lets get started; we will discuss all kinds of behaviors and no matter how careful they are there are always the signs left behind. I will write a different article regularly on all the different evidence left by your cheating mate.

The topics will include from phone usage to dress code, cars, time changes, and body language etc. Today we will discuss general conduct and we will start breaking it down and dissecting each behavior to the fullest.

One of the first things you will notice is that your mate will start paying more attention to their appearance by wanting to diet or exercise or dress sexier. That usually happens in the beginning stages when they first become interested in each other. The next thing you will notice is a change in phone behavior. They will keep a closer eye on the phone or won't let it out of their possession.

Then comes the schedule changes leaving the house earlier than usual because of an early meeting or coming home later than usual. The excuse will be along the lines of "I got stuck at the office or with a certain client." Next you will be told that there is a company training out of the state and they have to attend or there will be several business meetings at all hours of the day, or they will go to happy hour with their friends or business associates.

Stay tuned: In Part 2, we'll dissect behaviors relating to how your cheating mate changes phone habits.


orly10 said...

It's actually refreshing to read a cheating blog by someone who actually admits they're a cheater. Most people keep themselves in a freakin' closet about stuff like this-and with good reason! I look forward (and backwards)lol--to reading more of your articles. Please stay true to yourself--that's what we need more of in the blogging community----HONESTY!

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