Cheaters' Phone Behaviors

. Wednesday, July 30, 2008
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There is one thing all cheaters have in common. They all need to communicate with their cheating mates. While this may be easy while at work using work phones it becomes a lot more complicated after hours. You will notice that that your mate will not leave their phone unattended, always in their possesssion and checking for texts and messages regularly.

If you ever check their phone you will notice that all their text activity has been deleted and no messages are saved which means that they have deleted all contents so that there is no evidence left behind of their activities.

Then there is the name changes. If you look through their phones you will notice that they will store their cheating mate under a different name of the same sex as them and write next to it a title as if it's a work buddy. Example: Your man might get a message from what appears to be Kevin asking if he wants to play golf this Saturday and it's a code for something else. Another thing may occur where they will change the passwords on their phones and their accounts so you cannot have access to them.

If you notice any of these behaviors, there's a pretty good chance that you're being cheated on. Stay tuned for further articles; I promise it'll be worth your while!


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