Keep An Ear On A Cheater's Phone Behavior

. Wednesday, October 1, 2008
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The one behavior that all cheaters have in common yes I said ALL, is that they make the same mistakes with their cell phones. This is the number one way for you to find out if your significant other has met someone or is having an affair. It's the way to start your investigation on what really is going on.

You will notice that in order to start a relationship or an extra marital affair the cell phone plays a very big role because it is the one way to get to know if you want to take it to the next step. To your advantage, if you pick up on the changes in their phone behaviors early enough, you may catch them before anything serious happens between them.

Remember, always trust your instincts if you feel that your significant other is having an affair; chances are they might be. If you notice that their messages are always erased from their text on their phone and they won't leave their phones unattended, or you are at a restaurant and they are rushing to the bathroom more then usual there may be a reason behind it.


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