Quick Way To Find Out If You're Being Cheated On

. Thursday, September 25, 2008
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The level of experience of your significant other's cheating determines how easy it will be for you to find out if they are cheating on you. If they are seasoned cheaters who have been cheating for a long time it may take a little more work to find out about their affairs, because they tend to be a little more comfortable and sly with it.

But make no mistake about it there; is no perfect affair that cannot be found out! If you know what to look for and look closely enough you would be amazed of how many mistakes even the best of us make on a daily basis. I can tell you it is impossible to hide an affair from somebody that knows what to look for.

Take a look at the money issues because it plays a big role in a cheater's affair behaviors. Most of the cheaters that have extramarital affairs know not to use their credit cards and pay cash only. However they have to obtain the cash somehow; look for cash withdrawals from atm locations and try to figure ouy if that money was used for their extramarital affair. If you see a change in cash being withdrawn that might be a sign of infidelity.


Justin Milano said...

I think you're right. All cheaters eventually make mistakes; that's why in the end they're always caught, huh?
I love your site and the ideas that go with it. To all cheaters out there. This website is watching you!!!!!!

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