Change in mood and attitude

. Monday, August 4, 2008
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Today's article is going to be in regards to simple changes in your mate's normal everyday behaviors. There are several behaviors that your mate subconsciously will go through and if you know what to look for you will be right there to pick up on all the signals sent.

One of the main things cheaters need to do is make time for their encounters or to call their mates which will cause them to start doing things they never used to do. You will hear a great deal of excuses of things they need to do that which they never had to do before.

All of a sudden they start using the excuse of having to run to the store to buy something, or they will be running a lot of errands that normally they wouldn't. That will give them time to call or see their mates. Another thing you will notice is, their attitude towards you changes, like you might say or do something that normally would bother them and now all of the sudden it does not phase them in the least bit.

Stay tuned we will discuss dress and appearance next.


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