A Cheater's Car

. Friday, August 1, 2008
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Today we are going to discuss a very interesting matter in regards to a cheater's car. This is where all cheaters leave a world of evidence and hardly ever expect that their significant other would ever look to see if they are being cheated on. The reason being is once they are in their cars they feel like they are in their safe zone and get very careless.

While if you look at their car everything may appear to be normal but is it?

Lets take a closer look, a very simple thing to check is the mileage on a car. If they told you that they went to work and came back home and you know that work is five miles away and there is sixty miles added to the car a red flag should go up.

Then you can leave the passenger seat in a certain awkward position and when they come home and you see that the seat has been adjusted to a different setting there is a pretty good chance that someone was sitting in the car that was not supposed to.

If you take a closer look at the carpet of the car you may find a bunch of hair that does not belong to you. You would be amazed how many hairs you will find between the seats and on the back seat and carpet area. Then there is always the smell of perfume left behind in the car you would be amazed at how long the smell of perfume stays in a car after that person left.

Those are just a few of the evidences left behind by your cheating mates. We will have further discussions on this subject as well as several other subjects so stay tuned.


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