Quick Way To Find Out If You're Being Cheated On

. Thursday, September 25, 2008

The level of experience of your significant other's cheating determines how easy it will be for you to find out if they are cheating on you. If they are seasoned cheaters who have been cheating for a long time it may take a little more work to find out about their affairs, because they tend to be a little more comfortable and sly with it.

But make no mistake about it there; is no perfect affair that cannot be found out! If you know what to look for and look closely enough you would be amazed of how many mistakes even the best of us make on a daily basis. I can tell you it is impossible to hide an affair from somebody that knows what to look for.

Take a look at the money issues because it plays a big role in a cheater's affair behaviors. Most of the cheaters that have extramarital affairs know not to use their credit cards and pay cash only. However they have to obtain the cash somehow; look for cash withdrawals from atm locations and try to figure ouy if that money was used for their extramarital affair. If you see a change in cash being withdrawn that might be a sign of infidelity.

Have They Stopped Caring?

. Wednesday, September 24, 2008

There are two things you need to know if your relationship is coming to an end; do they care about you anymore, or is your relationship salvageable? Or better yet, is it worth saving? There are certain things you need to know to be able to determine and make a decision that is going to be beneficial to you.

The most important thing is what is best for you, because at the end of the day what really matters is your happiness. Whatever decision you make, it should be to your best interest and to find yourself and be comfortable and happy with whatever choices you make.

If you follow the tips on this site and find out that your spouse is cheating on you, what are you prepared to do? Are you going to try to work things out regardless of the damage and pain they have caused you? Will you be able to forgive and forget what they have done? Or will you just walk away and not look back?

Before you make any decisions you need to sit down and weigh all your options and assess the situation and search for what is best for you. Neither decision is going to be a happy one so choose the one that best fits your needs and remember whatever decision you make, if it comes from your gut, it is the right one and you should not let anybody alter it. The most important thing is to stick to whatever decision you make.

The different excuses they tell

. Friday, September 19, 2008

You would be amazed at some of the excuses cheaters will use to try to hide their affairs. One of the most used is that their spouse is not romantic enough or they are not as sexual as they would like them to be. But if they were to spend as much energy in their present relationship as they do in their affairs that problem would probably go away.

Just because they leave the house dressed in a certain way does not mean that they will be dressed that way the whole day. On several occasions men and women will have a different set of clothes with them in their car or office so they can use it right before their encounters. For example; a woman might take in her purse a sexy set of lingerie or a short dress, etc. A man may keep an extra shirt shirt in his car or office so that when he goes to see his cheating mate he can look better and will change before he goes home so that there is no marking of lipstick or smell of their lover's perfume.

If you look closely you will notice that after an encounter they will be nervous and avoid any kinds of conversation with you. One of their excuses might be I have a headache or I am tired and want to go to sleep so they can hide their emotions and feelings so you don't catch on to their difference in behavior.

Guilty Conscience

. Thursday, September 18, 2008

One of the main reasons the behavior of your cheating mate changes is their guilty conscience. It does not matter how they feel about the affair they are having. The one thing they cannot control is their subconscious mind and the guilt that causes all the signs to show in the first place.

Although it might be hard for you to believe - but yes even cheaters have a conscience and they do feel guilty about what they are doing. Generally cheaters are very aware that what they are doing is wrong, and that they have the potential to cause much pain to all involved. If you mention that you have a friend at work who is having an affair or you saw someone in a situation where there is cheating involved, you will notice a big change in their behavior at that time. They will become nervous and try to avoid the conversation altogether.

That is one way to shake them up and see how nervous they get. By doing that you should be able to get a clearer picture of what they are doing. Remember this is only one area you will cover with this method. Check our site regularly for all the different ideas we provide.

More Signs Of A Cheater

. Tuesday, September 16, 2008

There are several signs and clues that all cheaters leave behind. The most effective way to catch a cheater is you have to think the way they do. Just imagine that if you were cheating on them, play that role in your mind, and ask yourself what actions and changes you would make. Now look at their actions and changes and see how many differences in behavior you can see.

The next thing you might want to know is; are they having an affair or is it one night stands? There is a big difference between one-nighters and affairs. If they are involved in an affair and you know what to look for, its almost impossible for them to get away with it.

While one night stands are a little more difficult to catch, the signs are always there. With one night stands they are more likely to do something completely out of the ordinary that day but resume normal behavior. While an affair is more of a gradual change in behavior, in most cases it is permanent. Either way you need to observe the behaviors and patterns that all these articles talk about.

Why Do People Cheat?

. Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Why do people cheat? That is the one question that if you ask a thousand cheaters you would probably get a thousand different excuses. Notice I said excuses, not reasons; that is because they never want to put the blame on themselves. According to them, its always somebody else's fault.

The one thing a cheater cannot control is his or her behavior after an encounter with their cheating mate. Especially if they were with them right before they went home. You will notice that they cannot look at you or they avoid eye contact. They may go straight to the shower to wash off any evidence.

They may try to isolate themselves by acting like they are checking their email, or read the newspaper, or anything of that nature so that they don't have to participate or engage in a conversation with you. This is a way for them to hide the guilt they are feeling for what they have done.

Smart Remarks

. Thursday, September 4, 2008

Have you been hearing your significant other making new remarks, that, in the years you've been together, were never made? Maybe you should be listening to those remarks a little bit closer. They might be telling you a lot without saying much!

It is very important to listen to all the clues that are being thrown out there with or without them realizing what's being said. Although most cheaters do not want to get caught there are some instances where they are sending you messages on purpose so that you can find out about their affair.

You're probably wondering why someone who's cheating wants to get caught. There are different reasons. It might be that their relationship has grown stronger than the one they have with you , and they are hoping if you catch them, you would leave them and that way they don't have to make any more excuses.

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