Guilty Conscience

. Thursday, September 18, 2008
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One of the main reasons the behavior of your cheating mate changes is their guilty conscience. It does not matter how they feel about the affair they are having. The one thing they cannot control is their subconscious mind and the guilt that causes all the signs to show in the first place.

Although it might be hard for you to believe - but yes even cheaters have a conscience and they do feel guilty about what they are doing. Generally cheaters are very aware that what they are doing is wrong, and that they have the potential to cause much pain to all involved. If you mention that you have a friend at work who is having an affair or you saw someone in a situation where there is cheating involved, you will notice a big change in their behavior at that time. They will become nervous and try to avoid the conversation altogether.

That is one way to shake them up and see how nervous they get. By doing that you should be able to get a clearer picture of what they are doing. Remember this is only one area you will cover with this method. Check our site regularly for all the different ideas we provide.


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