The different excuses they tell

. Friday, September 19, 2008
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You would be amazed at some of the excuses cheaters will use to try to hide their affairs. One of the most used is that their spouse is not romantic enough or they are not as sexual as they would like them to be. But if they were to spend as much energy in their present relationship as they do in their affairs that problem would probably go away.

Just because they leave the house dressed in a certain way does not mean that they will be dressed that way the whole day. On several occasions men and women will have a different set of clothes with them in their car or office so they can use it right before their encounters. For example; a woman might take in her purse a sexy set of lingerie or a short dress, etc. A man may keep an extra shirt shirt in his car or office so that when he goes to see his cheating mate he can look better and will change before he goes home so that there is no marking of lipstick or smell of their lover's perfume.

If you look closely you will notice that after an encounter they will be nervous and avoid any kinds of conversation with you. One of their excuses might be I have a headache or I am tired and want to go to sleep so they can hide their emotions and feelings so you don't catch on to their difference in behavior.


1-On-1Boxing said...

Hello Paul,

I find ur blogs very interesting and informative. But I also see this information causing a lot of people to become somewhat paranoid in what was once an relatively "secure" union. Then again if there;s something in your blogs that sends up a "red flag", then more than likely there's trouble in paradise. So why do u cheat, what's your "excuse"?

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