Why Do People Cheat?

. Wednesday, September 10, 2008
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Why do people cheat? That is the one question that if you ask a thousand cheaters you would probably get a thousand different excuses. Notice I said excuses, not reasons; that is because they never want to put the blame on themselves. According to them, its always somebody else's fault.

The one thing a cheater cannot control is his or her behavior after an encounter with their cheating mate. Especially if they were with them right before they went home. You will notice that they cannot look at you or they avoid eye contact. They may go straight to the shower to wash off any evidence.

They may try to isolate themselves by acting like they are checking their email, or read the newspaper, or anything of that nature so that they don't have to participate or engage in a conversation with you. This is a way for them to hide the guilt they are feeling for what they have done.


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