General Feelings and Behaviors

. Saturday, August 30, 2008

There is a saying that you should always trust your instincts. If you feel or think that you are being cheated on there is a pretty good chance that you are. Whenever you start to develop those kind of feelings its because your significant other is sending those messages through their subconscious minds.

Another dead giveaway with all cheaters is they start to look at the mirror a lot more and ask questions about their appearance, for example: "Can you tell I'm losing weight?" They will start acting like teenagers obsessed with the way they look.

It does not matter how they used to dress before, there will be a major change in wardrobe. They will start to wear things that fit the style of the new person that they are seeing. It does not matter if it's dressing up or possibly dressing down from a suit to a pair of new-style slacks and shirt.

At the end of the day what you are looking for is changes that all cheaters make with their subconscious minds, and those changes, even the best cheaters go through, and they can't hide them.

Dress And Appearance

. Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Today we will discuss the changes in your significant others appearance and the clothing.

There are several changes that your partner will go through when getting involved with a new person. They may think they are not leaving any signs of changes but they cannot control what their subconscious mind does. Knowing some of these tips may give you a better chance of finding out if you are being cheated on.

Whenever your mate meets somebody that they want to have an affair or one night stand with, they will always start to want to feel better about themselves and be more attractive. You will notice that they are a lot more meticulous about their appearance and will start to dress differently.

Lets start with lingerie. Your spouse or girlfriend will start wearing the nicest or sexiest bras and panties she owns or you may notice her buying a lot of new ones that normally she wouldn't wear for you. He may all of a sudden start wearing briefs or boxers that are not the norm for him.

Basically what you are looking for is a change that is out of the normal behavior in their dress habits, and if there is one then, that's a clue you should look further into.

Change in mood and attitude

. Monday, August 4, 2008

Today's article is going to be in regards to simple changes in your mate's normal everyday behaviors. There are several behaviors that your mate subconsciously will go through and if you know what to look for you will be right there to pick up on all the signals sent.

One of the main things cheaters need to do is make time for their encounters or to call their mates which will cause them to start doing things they never used to do. You will hear a great deal of excuses of things they need to do that which they never had to do before.

All of a sudden they start using the excuse of having to run to the store to buy something, or they will be running a lot of errands that normally they wouldn't. That will give them time to call or see their mates. Another thing you will notice is, their attitude towards you changes, like you might say or do something that normally would bother them and now all of the sudden it does not phase them in the least bit.

Stay tuned we will discuss dress and appearance next.

A Cheater's Car

. Friday, August 1, 2008

Today we are going to discuss a very interesting matter in regards to a cheater's car. This is where all cheaters leave a world of evidence and hardly ever expect that their significant other would ever look to see if they are being cheated on. The reason being is once they are in their cars they feel like they are in their safe zone and get very careless.

While if you look at their car everything may appear to be normal but is it?

Lets take a closer look, a very simple thing to check is the mileage on a car. If they told you that they went to work and came back home and you know that work is five miles away and there is sixty miles added to the car a red flag should go up.

Then you can leave the passenger seat in a certain awkward position and when they come home and you see that the seat has been adjusted to a different setting there is a pretty good chance that someone was sitting in the car that was not supposed to.

If you take a closer look at the carpet of the car you may find a bunch of hair that does not belong to you. You would be amazed how many hairs you will find between the seats and on the back seat and carpet area. Then there is always the smell of perfume left behind in the car you would be amazed at how long the smell of perfume stays in a car after that person left.

Those are just a few of the evidences left behind by your cheating mates. We will have further discussions on this subject as well as several other subjects so stay tuned.

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